Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Make Over Coming - Stay Tuned

OK - enough introspection (procrastinating) . A major make-over is on the way. I should stress this is a blogsite make-over since 'yours truly' is already perfect.

I asked for (and listened to) advice and opinions from my wonderful followers and now after letting it absorb for longer than it should have (procrastinating), I am ready to jump in the water and ready to swim. (Isn't that a cool analogy for this hot end of a very hot summer?)

I received several very good suggestions regarding how to better use and promote my etsy store as well as wonderful offers to promote my blog and store on my reader's blogs. These actually brought tears to my eyes. And one of my wonderful friends even designed a new button for me to use and share to promote my sites. (Thank you, Alyssa.)

I will be working on implementing my changes over the next few days - so stay tuned to see the next chapter.

For those of you who continue to follow this - I have the timer set to remind me that today is bookclub day. I do not dare miss it twice. By the way, I read the book "The Optimist's Daughter" by Eudora Welty and absolutely loved it. Now I know why she earned the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction with this book. I'm interested to see how my fellow book club members like the book.


  1. Well, that answered my questions,huh!

    Cudos on moving upward. Maybe one day I will be in your place and ready to jump outward and upward too.

    I'm here, looking forward to great things!


  2. I haven't heard of that book, will have to see if I can find it some where. It's time for a good book!
    Can't wait to see what you have planned for your blog and shop!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the new and improved you, I mean, blog!

    Also, I was thinking you should sign up to have a booth at some of the holiday craft fairs around. I might even be convinced (bribed) to help out.

  4. I am looking forward to seeing your new look. That is interesting that you were the only one that liked the book.


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