Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
After my last posting, I had such positive comments from my friends - thank you all! You made me feel that 'blogging life' is so worthwhile. You are all wonderful and I never would have met you if not for 'blogging'. I feel like my world is expanding when I have friends from all over the world.
I am working on a new wall hanging to go over the fireplace (to cover the 'ugly hole' where I refuse to have a tv). I had just enough of the contrasting fabric to do just what I had planned. Sewed the first four strips together and was so proud of myself. It looked exactly like what I had in mind; went back to the cutting table to cut the next strip when it happened. I picked up the fabric, folded it, picked up the rotary cutter and cut my strip (the wrong direction). Now instead of a 42" strip I had an 18" strip. AND to make matters worse, I no longer had any fabric left to cut the 42" strips (it was all now the shorter pieces). After a few (a lot of) 'bad words' and tears, I did a lot of 'unsewing' and went back to the drawing board.
How many times do you have to learn the same lessons over and over? I can hear my mother saying 'measure twice, cut once'. But this time, I was so sure I had it right that I didn't take the time to check and recheck.
Oh no!! - "what do you think this wire goes to? I don't think we need it." I wish the office were soundproof. This is killing me. A few minutes ago I heard a sound like 'broken glass' . . . I should have gone grocery shopping or something. I think I will pull up one of those addicting computer games and 'zone out' for a few hours. If you need me, you know where to find me.
Hugs - Marie
Saturday, May 7, 2011
OK -
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Just Another Day

Now, it's important to remember that she saw it at this point and loved it all except the handle (which I didn't like either but didn't know what else to do with it). So with lots of deliberation and advice from my blogging friends - here is the finished product to be delivered to her tomorrow.

Much better but this will never make my list of favorites. I fought it from day one. I should have stopped and regrouped but wanted to use this fabric (and of course this was the last I had). We'll see what she has to say tomorrow.
Tomorrow the quilting frame comes out of storage to sandwich and stretch the queen sized quilt that will go on our bed. I'm thinking I will hand quilt the borders and tie the inside. I only need about 150 chocolate buttons (cheap). This is only a small portion showing the corner of the borders. (I can just see the quilting police turning up their noses - but I am not a traditional quilter or anything else for that matter.)

Big T and I went to see Celtic Woman in concert on Sunday. It was our Christmas gift from both daughters and families. What a great Christmas gift. If you haven't had a chance to hear them, make the opportunity if possible. When it was over, I called our two daughters to say thank you and wish them a Merry Christmas (it was our Christmas present, remember). The daughter in California was out and I left a rather lengthy descriptive message of motherly appreciation and ended it with "Merry Christmas" from Mom and Dad. Then turned to Big T and said that wasn't D#2's voice mail message, they must have changed it. Following a strange look from him, I rechecked Caller ID and found it was one number off. So somewhere in San Diego is someone trying to figure out this weird Christmas message from some crazy lady.
Hugs - Marie
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Life's Little Lessons Continue
And now for the photos - WRONG! No photos - you can all hate me now. But I did learn a valuable lesson. You cannot take pictures if the little thingy that holds the pictures is full. Duh!! (How old do you have to be before you quit learning the basic lessons in life?)
And the vendors - oh my goodness, the vendors. For every quilt hung, there had to be a vendor booth somewhere. We were there for about 6 hours and only walked once around the entire show. No time to go back for repeat visits. I now have enough projects to last me the rest of the year (or more).
Back to current day - this is a great idea, plan and idea that went wrong. I have a commission to design and create a special tote bag (envelope style) for a beautiful soft leather covered Bible. The fabric, quilting, style - all is fabulous! But the handle destroyed the whole look. A BAD IDEA!

So now it is back to the drawing board to see if I can resurrect the look with a different style handle. She loves the bag - just not the handle (and I can't blame her one bit). More on this in a day or so.
The appointment to find out the results of the sleep study and some other tests is tomorrow morning; book club in the afternoon; and Mahjong on Thursday morning. Lots going on this week.
Hugs - Marie
Friday, February 25, 2011
Quilt Show
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sleep Study and A Winner!

She makes a pizza crust in her bread maker that is just perfect. (Don't tell her especially, but she is a much better cook than I am - but boy can she make a mess in the kitchen! Maybe that's my problem - I am not messy enough in the kitchen.)
I won! I won! I won!
I just won a pattern in Carrie's latest giveaway. She is just one of the most generous people I know. Stop by her blog and tell her that I sent you. She is so talented. We met online through our blogs and then met up at a quilt show last spring. The pattern is called 'Twitterin' by Prim Point and combines quilting, applique, coloring (with crayons) and embroidery. I am so excited.
Thank you Carrie and Prim Point.
Hugs - Marie