Thursday, August 12, 2010

Change in Weather???

Here is the latest from my studio. I love this embroidery pattern - simple but sophisticated. It looks great on napkins as well. I've used this several times and am always pleased with how it turns out. (Is wheat sheaf one word or two?)

I certainly hope this two day sinus headache means there is a change in the weather coming. I would hate to go through this for nothing. I work an hour or so and sleep an hour or so just to adjust. It will leave when the weather changes. Hopefully cooler weather is on the way.
School starts around here on the 23rd of August. Doesn't that seem early. I liked going back to school after Labor Day. August is still intended for play, vacations, and laziness. When I was in school, we went on family vacation the middle two weeks of August, came home for a week to get things ready for school and started the day after Labor Day. It's too hot to even think of kids going back to school now - not all schools are air conditioned.
Where do you sit to do your hand work? I was thinking of that last night when I naturally gravitated to the same spot and picked up my hand work. More on that the next post.

Hugs - Marie


  1. I had that headache a couple of days ago. Now I have others........LOL.

    I do like that wheat. I always think of that pattern as traditional but you have paired with with something different!


  2. Cooler weather. I could go for that. I HATE sinus headaches. ICK.

    That pattern really is simple yet sophisticated. You know what would be cool? Maybe a three panel piece with the leaves, some wheat and...something else...maybe a pumpkin? That would be very pretty for the Fall.

  3. We always started shcool after Labor Day when I was a kid. Now our local schools all start around the 20th of Aug. and that is too hot for the kids in the classrooms.

  4. LOVE it!! Would look great in my kitchen :)
    We have had a major change in the weather these laast 2 days. It's about 12 degrees colder, but I'm not complaining one bit!


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